Thursday 14 December 2006

Fillipa's Bush

Fillipa returned home last night with a lush specimen of a pine all bound in plastic netting.

Big Lou became extremely disturbed by events as they unfolded, whilst Rez watched unmoved from the back of the chair. The more observant would have seen her tiny little mouth whispering the words "left a-bit", "right a-bit", "to me", "back a-bit" and then chuckling under her breath. What she terms irony many would see as merely sarcasm, which as everyone knows is the recourse of a weak mind. Still it kept her amused.

Big Lou was torn between skulking back and forth indignantly or making a circuitous approach to the kitchen and Rez's left-over supper. Unsurprisingly his stomach won the day.

The theme this year appears to be un-coloured. A somewhat subtle and it has to be said tasteful approach. It remains unclear whether we are seeing the finished article or just a work-in-progress. Even Rez, in a rare moment of tact, has refrained from asking.

Sunday 10 December 2006

Think about What

On a random search of the www a startling discovery has been made that has sent shock waves through the Village and as far as Oakley and Northampton. It transpires that the "freaks" are in fact not freaks at all. They are lose collection of intellectuals/ex-academics plus assorted volunteers who publish countless volumes of thoughts and comments to the expecting World.

The thoughts published are so radical that us mere mortals struggle to comprehend a fraction of the material. Suffice to say it is at the extremes of human understanding and can only be viewed for short periods. Any extended exposure to the material risks sanity and worse.

Poor Fillipa keeps asking "So what do the intellectuals do exactly, think?".

This has recently progressed to "What do the intellectuals do for Christmas, more thinking I presume".

Who can say.

Wednesday 6 December 2006

Noisy Cottages

For the second night this week The Cottage has decided to sound its alarm for no apparent reason. The wailing lasts for around five and a half hours and can be heard in Aylesbury. The invisible occupants seem oblivious to the racket and remain unseen. Rather spookily The Cottage is adorned by a red flashing strobe light, the significance and purpose of which is open to speculation and much debate. Perhaps, it has been mooted, the building itself is pining for its previous occupants especially BC and Straight Pilot Dan, amongst others.

On a brighter note the hideous and not to mention cheap "Not To Let" sign at the end of the path has disappeared. Whether it was removed by its owners, blown away in the high winds or stolen is unknown at this time.